Middle Creek Presbyterian Church Mission Statement
We as reformed Protestant Christians recognize that we exist by the grace of God alone, we live by faith alone and we live under the authority of Scripture alone, and that Christ has called the Church into being and has given it all that is necessary to fulfill its purposes in and for the Kingdom of God, namely, “the proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of human kind; the shelter, nurture and spiritual fellowship of the children of God; the maintenance of divine worship; the preservation of the truth; the promotion of social righteousness; and the exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world.”
We at Middle Creek Presbyterian Church (MCPC) are a household of God, with a firm foundation in history and values. Christ is the cornerstone of our structure, and growth in grace and fellowship is our goal. Our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the center and core of all that we do in worship, mission, study and fellowship.
There are presently three ministry groups with an elder as chairperson, each established to fulfill a particular part of our responsibility for mission and governing of Middle Creek in accordance with Scriptural principles, with the Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) and with the purpose we have state.
Middle Creek Presbyterian Church (MCPC) is called to love, trust and obey Jesus Christ and to love one another through: Celebration in joyous worship of God proclaiming the good news, Contemplation as disciples of Christ, Compassion by genuinely caring for others near and far, Companionship on the faith journey, and the Creation of a Christ-centered community of faith; welcoming all into the circle.